March 31, 2005
Hera Zinno
School: ARHS
B Period - Intermedio I
TOPIC: Chapter 4. Learning/Reviewing new vocabulary; Reinforcing recently learned grammar
structures; Written assessment of chapter thus far.
GOALS: By the end of the lesson, students will have reinforced new vocabulary and grammar
structures, and will begin to work on their written assessment for the past two weeks.
-Review worksheet. Share your answers with your partner and then with the class.
-Vocabulary dictation. Listening.
-Review Vocabulary (parafrasear/20 questions).
-Comuniquemos #1 p140 with partner.
-P149 “Ahora lo sabes“: Checklist of things you should be able to do. Individual Writing in class.
Finish for HW.
Capitulo 4 - CHECKLIST ¡Ahora lo sabes!
____...hablar sobre una persona o un evento en el pasado?
____...hablar de algo que hiciste y por qué?
____...hablar sobre una persona que conoces, quién sabe mucho sobre algun tema?
____...hablar de las vidas de Frida Kahlo y Diego Rivera, describir su arte, y decirnos si te gusta o no y
por qué?
ORGANIZATION: This lesson is like an assessment of all we have learned in the chapter thus far. Each day we had an activity to bring
them to today's objectives and work on this final assessment. Those activities included: saber/cononcer activities, review
of the preterit, learning the irregular verbs in preterit, and vocabulary one and two of the chapter. This class usually runs pretty smoothly. They are
fairly quiet (most of the time) and we have discussed the importance and significance of all the things we are learning and
all activities we do. I try and make sure that I have enough active AND passive activities for each class depending on
their mood. Sometimes they need to be woken up, and other times, they need to just be left alone for silent individual work.
ASSESSMENT: If students are responding to/answering questions ("Me Divierto" worksheet) and vocabulary review is correct at least
80% of the time I don’t feel it will have to be reinforced. If volunteering is lacking, or answers are "off", we will
spend an extra day on it. But the last part of class is a written assessment, and when I correct them I will have a good idea
of where to take it with next week before we end the chapter!
END: The
lesson ends with silent work. After a busy, communicative day I will give them
the remainder of the period to take all that review and Spanish in their head, and put it down on paper.
SELF EVALUATION: My lesson will have been a success if the activities
run smoothly, the kids are having fun and they work individually at the end of the period with relatively little problems.
BIG PICTURE: The big picture would be the final chapter product, a newspaper we put together
(from their "articles", comic strips, and word searches). Today's writing assessment is the first part of being able to talk
about past events and their childhood and how we will know whether to move on or not. Things they like now (leisure activities),
can be compared to the things they liked when they were children (next chapter). The past two weeks have been trying to piece things together for a newspaper,
or better said, giving them the skills to be able to put together a newspaper. They have learned about culture, comparing
leisure activities in Hispanic culture with our own, making a quiz about Rivera's art, completing a timeline on the life of
Kahlo, learned various irregular verbs in preterit, written newspaper articles, made suggestions for a group of bored 'jovenes'
in a comic strip (what type of activities can they do to avoid their boredom), compare uses of saber/conocer and written original
phrases. Friday is relax day so we will just practice what we have learned. If it is fairly mastered, we can introduce the
reflexive verbs in the preterit.
Standards for this lesson:
- Communication 1.3 Ask and Answer questions (Parafrasear/20 questions).
- Communication 1.6 Express likes and dislikes; 3.4 Describe people places things; 3.8 Write simple paragraphs; 4.11 Identify
historical and/or cultural figures from the target culture and describe their contributions.
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Español Intermedio Uno