Hera's teaching portfolio © 2005

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*Here is a brief email correspondence I had with the mother of one of my students.  She was concerned about the progress of her son and Adriana asked me if I wanted to respond since I had taken over the class and was viewing his habits, behavior, and progress.  I accepted, and chose to place some of the emails in this portfolio as supporting evidence for ACTFL National Standard 5.c. Reporting Assessment Results.  I found the correspondence to be helpful to myself, my student, and his mother.

From: Hera Zinno

To: Jane Smith*

Date: 4/13/05 12:24:10 PM


My name is Hera Zinno, and I am currently doing my Student Teaching with Mrs. Morehouse, Johnny's* Spanish teacher, and have taken on the responsibility of teaching her classes. Since I am working with Johnny this trimester, until May14th, I would be glad to respond to your emails until then :)

Johnny is a pleasure to have in class and seems to have good listening skills and comprehension of classroom activities.

A few possible suggestions for Johhny, which he is aware of, would be:

  • Make sure that when he is absent he finds out what assignments are due or missing.
  • Make sure all homework is completed and handed in on time.
  • Bring all materials to class (pen, book, paper, etc...)

Johnny's quiz grades are excellent, but is missing one important assignment, the "newspaper article" which counted as a quiz grade.

On the Chapter test we recently took, Johnny received an 89...well done!

As for homework, he has:

  • 4 completed assignments
  • 1 incomplete
  • 2 missing homeworks
  • 2 more missing homeworks due to absences.

I feel that he can improve greatly in this area, because he is a good student and attentive learner, and I am confident in his capability to complete the assignments.

I appreciate your concern, and please feel free to contact me if you should feel the need for more feedback.


Hera Zinno


From: Hera Zinno

To: Jane Smith*

Date: 5/02/05 10:37:24 AM

This is Hera Zinno again, Mrs. Morehouse's intern and Johnny's Spanish
teacher.  In response to your email, I can say I have seen a great improvement on Johnny's part. All homework assignments have been completed and turned in since our last email! Give him a pat on the back!
We have only had 2 quizzes since then in which Johhny has received a 95 and 91 (another pat on the back)

He has been more consistent with bringing his materials, just make sure
he stays on top of bringing his book...and those pens he always loses ;) and we'd also like to make sure others do not distract him from his own tasks or listening in class.

Let him know he's doing a great job, and once again, Mrs Morehouse and I appreciate your concern! 

I believe she will be responding to any further emails concerning
Johnny, she will be spending more time in class with us next week and
will be able to comment on his progress!
Thankyou again!

Hera Zinno



From: Jane Smith*

To: Hera Zinno

Date: 5/03/05 09:17:45 AM

Dear Hera,

Thanks so much for the good news!  It's the kind I like best....and yes I will give Johhny a couple of "pats on the back!"

Thanks again,
Jane Smith

*student and parent’s names have been changed  


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