*This artifact, "Proverbios Y Refranes", is evidence for ACTFL National Standard 1: Language, Linguistics, Comparisons. It shows my own high level knowledge and proficiency in Spanish, presenting
and interpreting both language and culture. It also displays my ability to select appropriate materials and activities
for the age and level of my students and involve them in the community.
For the upcoming unit my class would be learning uses of the subjunctive and imperative, which
are prominent in many proverbs and sayings. To reflect and compare cultures, various linguistic features, and to create
conversation, I chose to create a unit on popular Spanish proverbs. The unit included the viewing of various Spanish
proverbs, a worksheet and a project on developing our own proverbs (both can be seen below). The worksheet went
along with the proverbs I presented in class. On the first day, the students discussed the proverbs in class.
For homework, part two of the worksheet, they were to find three proverbs in Spanish and three in English, interviewing
members of the community, and the Spanish exchange students who were in our school visiting at the time. On the second
day, we discussed our findings and compared the proverbs of each culture. Then to wrap up the activity, we all came
up with our own proverbs and sayings, which lead to them to use the subjunctive and imperative, and be able to recognize
their linguistic features before we even learned them. On the third day we completed our proverbs by drawing posters,
presenting them to each other, and hanging them up in class.
I. Para discutir
1. ¿Cuál es el tema central del proverbio en español?
2. ¿El proverbio expresa ese tema en una manera diferente cuando está en inglés? ¿Tiene
imágenes diferentes? ¿Cuál sería la razón por eso? Dame ejemplos concretos.
3. ¿Aunque los proverbios están en idiomas distintos, alcanzan los mismos resultados? Explica.
II. Ahora puedes explorar más la relación entre los proverbios y la cultura
1. Encuentra seis (6) proverbios o refránes diferentes. Tres (3) deben estar en inglés y tres (3) deben estar
en español. Debes traducir cada proverbio al otro idioma, preguntar a algunos hispano-hablantes para los proverbios en español
y grabar la conversación :)
a. _____________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________________________
f. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Elige unos de tus proverbios ¿En que contexto está utilizado? Dame ejemplos.
3. ¿Hay alguna diferencia gramátical entre los proverbios en los dos idiomas?
4. ¿Como refleja la cultura del idioma y su país?
5. ¿Hay algun tema o imágen en común entre las culturas y idiomas?
*En clase:
*6. ¿Puedes escribir un diálogo que contenga el proverbio, y hacer una ilustración para mostrar
el significado literal o metafórico del proverbio?
*Mi Propio Proverbio
Que es un proverbio?
Utilizando lo que
has aprendido sobre los proverbios y refranes en
espanol, puedes pensar en tu propio proverbio?
Puedes inventar
un proverbio ( en espanol claro! ) que refleja nuestra
cultura o tu experiencia personal?
Debes usar el libro de
proverbios como modelo.
Tu proverbio debe ser creativo y original. Debe incluir un dibujo y un
dialogo para
mostrar mejor el significado de tu proverbio.
Vamos a poner todos los proverbios en las paredes
de la clase para dar
buenos consejos a todos los estudiantes de espanol!
Se creativo!
Ideas para mi proverbio:
*Reflective Statement: I was very pleased with this unit. It gave
the students a chance to enjoy and learn the target language and culture at the same time. This lesson went in conjunction
with all five of the National Standards for Foreign Language Education and various strands of the Massachusetts State Standards.
I feel it tied in nicely with the teaching of the subjunctive and imperative and for next time I may put more emphasis on
those modes while we are creating our own proverbs. The community interviews were extremely helpful in this process
because the students were able to use their Spanish outside of class, and bring it back in to the classroom, fostering motivation
and various of conversational topics.