*My first
"assignment" as a student teacher was to create an exam for this class, assessing them on the contents
of the chapter they had been learning. When my supervising teacher, Adriana suggested this to me, I have to
admit I was a little stressed out. What if I didn't make a suitable exam? What if they all failed?
I felt like this was a huge responsibility. So, I decided to review the chapter myself, make my own study
guide, and then create the exam. The students ended up doing rather well and Adriana gave me a pat on the back
for a job well done! All in all, my first exam, which you can view below, was a success. I think I deserved
an A+ for that one!
Prueba Capítulo 11
Nombre: ________________ Fecha:________________
I. Vocabulario: Traduce
las palabras siguientes al español.
1. Science Fiction movie: _____________________
2. Romantic movie: ________________________
3. Horror movie: ________________________
4. Western movie: ________________________
5. on the dot: ________________________
6. midnight: ________________________
7. earlier: ________________________
8. later: ________________________
9. to last: ________________________
10. not yet: ________________________
II. Comparativos: Completa las oraciones usando las palabras
en parentesis.
1. (smaller than) Puerto Rico es ____________________ Guatemala.
2. (less interesting than) La película musical es ________________la
pelicula de terror.
3. (more boring than) La película del oeste es _______________________
la película de ciencia ficción.
4. (worse than) Los lunes son ______________________ que los viernes.
5. (older than) Mi abuelo es _______________ mi padre.
III. Superlativos:
Completa las oraciones usando las palabras en parentesis
1. (the most intelligent) Albert Einstein es ________________________
de todos.
2. (the best) Señora Morehouse y Señorita Zinno son ________________
__________________________ maestras en la escuela.
3. (the most fun) La clase de español es ___________________________________________.
4. (the longest) La película Titanic es ______________ de todas.
5. (the youngest) Mi hermano es ___________________ de la familia.
IV. "Best and Worst": Escribe el/la mejor y el/la peor de estas categorias.
1. actriz:________________________________________ _______________________________________________
2. restaurante:____________________________________ ________________________________________________
3. clase:________________________________________ _______________________________________________
4. comida: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________
5. dia: _________________________________________ ______________________________________________