*To assess the what the students learned, I usually like to tie in all of the components from
whichever chapter we have recently completed, and have them write essays. The artifact below is just a bit more
of a creative way to do so. I decided to have them pretend they were newspaper reporters who had to write about the
"latest news in Miami"! This is the handout they were given with the directions and requirements for their "articles".
The end result was to make a class newspaper, filled with all of our class activities up to that point: their articles, word
searches, comics, and some historical information on the famous artist, Frida Kahlo. Activities like this have more
meaning than just to receive a grade. They get the students working together on one big project and building a sense
of community within the foreign language classroom.
You are a newspaper reporter and just received a job working for El Miami Herald
en español. Lucky for you, you speak Spanish! Your newest assignment is to search around Miami
for the latest news and events that happened this weekend and where (Ejemplo: partidos, fiestas, exposiciones, obras del teatro,
desfiles..., etc). Sometimes the best stories happen in the strangest places, so think hard. And remember, every good journalist
wants to make the front page headlines, so good luck on reporting a story that is exciting and shocking!
Check List for my article:
____ does my article contain at least 150 words?
____ does my article contain words from vocabulario #1 and #2?
____ is my article written in the PRETERIT tense?
____ does my article include ALL of the irregular verbs from Ch. 4?
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