*The artifact below is evidence of ACTFL Standard 4 - Integration of Standards into Curriculum and Instruction. I chose to place this artifact into my portfolio,
because it shows my ability to plan, select, and integrate the standards for foreign language learning into the
curriculum, and my ability to anticipate possible problems and outcomes in the classroom. What you will find
below is the thought process and activities carried out for a lesson on Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.
This lesson was designed to incorporate a numerous amount of the Massachusetts State Standards, mostly to get the
students communicating and relating poetry to real life experiences. If you scroll down to number eight, you can
see a list of the state standards that this lesson covers, and which National Standards they comply with.
Date: 3/8/05
Name: Hera Zinno
School: ARHS
Class: Periódo C - Intermedio I Honores
1. Topic: Review for Exam and Culture (Bécquer - vida y poesía).
2. Goals: I want students to walk away with a greater sense of Becquer's work, to be exposed to his style,
and hopefully it will have sparked their interest a bit, enough to make a memorable lesson or maybe make them explore further
on their own. By the end of the period they will have investigated, learned, commented and thought about Becquer's style and
his poem "Amor Eterno", which will also be translated and hopefully understood/connected with.
3. Activities:
a. Homework assignment from night before: "5 datos sobre Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer" (Five facts about Bécquer)
b. Students post "datos" on the board, browse over them (sort of like a museum) and then must comment
on new information, interesting facts...or ask a question pertaining to any of the facts posted. In the event that the students
come unprepared, as they often can, I have a small text prepared on Bécquer’s life (in Spanish), which we can read together.
c. Present the title "Amor Eterno" Brainstorm what the poem could possibly deal with using what we just
learned about Bécquer’s life and poetry, anything specific? thoughts? opinions? etc...
d. I have handouts of the poem, and in pairs they can translate a line each (there are only 9 lines in
total)...we put the poem together, and get its full meaning (I give a brief explanation of the future tense to help translate)
e. Last, I have questions on a transparency, helping them to summarize everything we did, what was the
poem about, did they like it, what were some new things they learned? Do they believe in “amor eterno” (eternal
love), have they ever experienced something like that? Bécquer - Poem and Conversation
f. In the event that we have time left over...I wanted them to write out the poem on big poster board,
and around it draw symbols and pictures representing the poem. Since this is a review week we have lots of fun, calm and easy
going activities planned, this would be nice for them to work on together as a class and help foster their sense of community
and group efforts.
4. Organization: I have various activities that I have prepared and planned to keep them active, thinking,
interacting, and communicating. I did my own research just in case they have questions or want to know further about Bécquer,
and also just in case they DON'T do their HW...you never know!
5. Assessment: I am hoping that by the end of the period, they will be able to answer the final questions
I have, and talk about the poem and/or relate to it, and name a few new pieces of information for them. the end of lesson
assessment questions could prove to be useful to me because it will contain the students thoughts and reactions! I will also
be assigning homework to wrap up some of the things they learned, and continue their thinking on the topic.
6. Homework: Depending on time of course, the lesson can end with the assessment questions or the poster.
I’m thinking we will finish with the questions though and then for HW, they can to write 5 line poem, about a "love"
of theirs. this is also something I was curious to find out, a bit more about them...something they are "in to" right now...a
"passion" of theirs. it may not be as dramatic as Bécquer's Amor Eterno, but it should be interesting!
7. The Big Picture: This lesson is a bit more relaxing, and just about exposure to the culture, to poetry,
and some critical thinking and reflecting. We have been completed the chapter, and reviewed various times. They seem to know
it very well, so it’s time for us to enjoy now. We discussed "love" for valentines day and they seemed to enjoy it,
aspects of Hispanic cultures (literature, realia, etc...) are always a part of the curriculum, so it ties in nicely. I have
some comics that make reference to Bécquer that when they see and read them, they will know WHO Bécquer is and what he stands
for...and will again make that connection, and have that reminder.
8. My Student Teaching Goals: In the Standards for Foreign Language Learning, this lesson covers
the Massachusetts Standards of:
Communications Strands:
1.5 (exchange information and knowledge); 1.6 (express likes and dislikes);
1.10 (exchange opinions); 2.3 (obtain information and knowledge); 2.4 (read
and interpret poems); 2.7 (read authentic materials); 2.15 (comprehend narration in present,
past, and future); 2.16 (identify and understand feelings and emotions); 3.1 (express opinions
and ideas).
Cultures Strand:
4.6 (demonstrate knowledge of artistic expression in the target culture by identifying
and learning poems)
Connections Strand:
7.2 (Obtain information and knowledge related to other disciplines from sources in
the target language and discussing meaning)
*ACTFL NATIONAL STANDARDS covered by this lesson:
in Languages Other Than English
- Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain
information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions
- Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken
language on a variety of topics
CONNECTIONS - Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge
of other disciplines through the foreign language
Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the
distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures
COMMUNITIES - Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home
& Around the World
- Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners
by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.