Fall 2003
Student Information Sheet
Please fill out and return to instructor
Name: _____________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________________________________________
Local Address:_______________________________________________
House Phone:____________________ Cell Phone: __________________
Hometown: _________________________________________________
Do you have any foreign language experience?______________________
Reasons for studying abroad?____________________________________
Reasons for taking this course?___________________________________
Do you know any Spanish speaker?______________________________
Does someone in your home speak Spanish?_______ If yes, what is your
relation to that person?_________________________________________
Did you take Spanish in High School?__________ If yes, what levels did
you complete?_______________________________________________
What specific things would you like to learn in this
course? ___________________________________________________
Is there anything you'd like to share about yourself? (specific goals,
hobbies, places you've traveled, interests, ways you like to learn,
etc? _______________________________________________________